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Castro Valley, CA
Castro Valley, CA
RN - LTAC Clinical Program Coordinator
  • RN 13 Weeks Days Estimated Total Pay $3,002.02 - $3,192.00/wk*
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*Includes estimated wage of $31.33 - $38.33/hr and non-taxable benefits if eligible

Host Healthcare has exclusive access to this job, so you get top priority when applying.
Hailey, ID
Hailey, ID
RN - Long Term Acute Care
  • RN 26 Weeks Days Estimated Total Pay $2,286.98 - $2,440.00/wk*
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*Includes estimated wage of $18.00 - $25.00/hr and non-taxable benefits if eligible

Host Healthcare has exclusive access to this job, so you get top priority when applying.
Rancho Cordova, CA
Rancho Cordova, CA
RN - Long Term Acute Care
  • RN 13 Weeks Variable Estimated Total Pay $2,273.21 - $2,452.00/wk*
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*Includes estimated wage of $18.00 - $25.00/hr and non-taxable benefits if eligible

Group of ER travel nurses

Jumpstart Your LTAC Travel Nursing Career

Step into a world of rewarding opportunities tailored for Long Term Acute Care (LTAC) nurses at Host Healthcare. As an LTAC nurse, your dedication shapes patients’ lives, and we’re here to empower and support you on this fulfilling journey. Explore how your expertise thrives within tailored placements for LTAC nursing, offering opportunities for career expansion and enriching experiences.

Travel ER nurse outside

Dedicated Support for Your LTAC Travel Nursing Experience

Embark on your LTAC travel nursing journey with confidence knowing Host Healthcare offers dedicated support every step of the way. Our experienced team is always there to support you, assisting in finding your dream LTAC assignment in your desired city, and ensuring you’re fully prepared and confident for each placement. In addition, our team of in-house clinical RNs provide valuable expertise, offering personalized guidance and assistance to enhance your experience. 

Tailored LTAC Travel Nursing Assignments

At Host Healthcare, we prioritize matching your passion for LTAC nursing with placements that precisely fit your professional aspirations. Whether your main goal is to take control of your career or live in your favorite city, our LTAC assignments help you get there. With access to jobs in all 50 states, our goal is to ensure you land a job that enables you to thrive and have the LTAC nursing career you deserve.

Exclusive Benefits for Travel Nurses

Host Healthcare goes the extra mile by offering a comprehensive suite of benefits tailored exclusively for travel nurses like you. Enjoy competitive compensation, specialized healthcare coverage encompassing day-one health benefits, access to free CEUs, and personalized housing assistance. We prioritize your well-being and take care of all the details, so you can focus on what matters most to you.

Elevate Your LTAC Nursing Career with Host Healthcare

At Host Healthcare, we’re committed to your success in LTAC travel nursing. Our comprehensive benefits and dedicated support are designed to elevate your career. Discover how our carefully curated assignments align with your skills and ambitions, allowing you to excel in the field you’re passionate about.

Ready to embark on your LTAC travel nursing journey? Apply now and let Host Healthcare support you every step of the way towards a rewarding career in LTAC nursing!

Recruiters You’ll Love

Humble brag alert: Our recruiters have the best reviews in the business. Don’t believe us? See for yourself.

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The #1 Rated Travel Nursing Agency

Check out these reviews from real Host Healthcare travelers.

First time working with Host Healthcare and my recruiter Alison is awesome!! SO responsive and worked relentlessly to get me a job exactly where I wanted to be. Onboarding was a breeze thanks to my recruiter and being so willing to help anytime I had questions. Will continue to work with Host as long as I’m traveling 🙂
Emily Janke Aug 7, 2024
Host healthcare has been amazing. Jayme Fowler, my recruiter has gone above and beyond for me. We had a few hiccups in the beginning but this girl went to every measure to get my onboarding done. She is so sweet and really cares about the nurses. She answered every question I had. She is extremely responsive! I absolutely love working with her! 10/10!
Jennifer McDaniel Aug 30, 2024
My recruiter is so amazing. Katie works with me in many difficult scenarios, is very quick to respond, and is always willing to provide more information and understanding. She is so friendly and thorough, and I would recommended her to anybody looking to become a stress free travel nurse!! Seriously 10 stars
Grace Menard Aug 16, 2024
Host Healthcare is great. Vicky is the best recruiter ever. She is organized, caring. Professional, and truly concerned regarding your well being. I have never had a recruiter so kind. Keep up the great work Host Healthcare.
Daphne Sanders Aug 9, 2024