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Mesa, AZ
Mesa, AZ
RN - Operating Room
  • RN 13 Weeks Days Estimated Total Pay $2,710.54 - $2,889.33/wk*
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*Includes estimated wage of $22.18 - $29.18/hr and non-taxable benefits if eligible

Loveland, CO
Loveland, CO
RN - Operating Room
  • RN 13 Weeks Days Estimated Total Pay $2,710.54 - $2,889.33/wk*
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*Includes estimated wage of $31.98 - $38.98/hr and non-taxable benefits if eligible

Jersey City, NJ
Jersey City, NJ
RN - Operating Room
  • RN 13 Weeks Mids Estimated Total Pay $2,710.54 - $2,889.33/wk*
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*Includes estimated wage of $22.88 - $29.88/hr and non-taxable benefits if eligible

Group of ER travel nurses

Embrace a New Adventure in OR Travel Nursing

At Host Healthcare, we believe that every travel nurse has the power to make a real difference in the lives of their patients and healthcare facilities. That’s why we’re here to help you embrace a new adventure in your nursing career and take your nursing specialty skills to the next level. As an Operating Room nurse, you are dedicated to patient care, making critical decisions, and providing essential support during some of the most challenging moments in healthcare.

Travel ER nurse outside

Your Dream Career

At Host Healthcare, we recognize the vital role you play in the healthcare community and want you to know that we have your back. Our team of responsive travel nurse recruiters is here to guide you through the process, from finding the perfect travel nursing assignment assignment to ensuring your success on the job. We understand that every registered nurse has unique goals and ambitions, and we take the time to get to know you personally, so we can provide you with travel assignments that are tailored to your needs.

Take the Next Step with Host Healthcare

At Host Healthcare, we’re committed to providing unwavering support to registered nurses just like you who are interested in pursuing a career that involves travel. With Host Healthcare, you can count on us to provide you with the resources and opportunities you need to thrive in your career as a travel nurse. That’s why we offer our OR travel nurses tangible, valuable benefits, including day-1 health benefits, access to an experienced clinical team of in-house RNs, competitive pay, and customized housing assistance, so you can focus on what matters most – providing exceptional patient care.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your nursing career and experience the life-changing benefits of being a travel OR nurse, check out our exclusive OR travel nursing jobs today. We can’t wait to help you embark on your next adventure!


Recruiters You’ll Love

Humble brag alert: Our recruiters have the best reviews in the business. Don’t believe us? See for yourself.

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The #1 Rated Travel Nursing Agency

Check out these reviews from real Host Healthcare travelers.

First time working with Host Healthcare and my recruiter Alison is awesome!! SO responsive and worked relentlessly to get me a job exactly where I wanted to be. Onboarding was a breeze thanks to my recruiter and being so willing to help anytime I had questions. Will continue to work with Host as long as I’m traveling 🙂
Emily Janke Aug 7, 2024
Host healthcare has been amazing. Jayme Fowler, my recruiter has gone above and beyond for me. We had a few hiccups in the beginning but this girl went to every measure to get my onboarding done. She is so sweet and really cares about the nurses. She answered every question I had. She is extremely responsive! I absolutely love working with her! 10/10!
Jennifer McDaniel Aug 30, 2024
My recruiter is so amazing. Katie works with me in many difficult scenarios, is very quick to respond, and is always willing to provide more information and understanding. She is so friendly and thorough, and I would recommended her to anybody looking to become a stress free travel nurse!! Seriously 10 stars
Grace Menard Aug 16, 2024
Host Healthcare is great. Vicky is the best recruiter ever. She is organized, caring. Professional, and truly concerned regarding your well being. I have never had a recruiter so kind. Keep up the great work Host Healthcare.
Daphne Sanders Aug 9, 2024