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Carlsbad, NM
Carlsbad, NM
Interim Case Management Director
  • RN 13 Weeks Days Estimated Total Pay $28,507.80 - $28,697.78/wk*
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*Includes estimated wage of $662.14 - $669.14/hr and non-taxable benefits if eligible

Moreno Valley, CA
Moreno Valley, CA
RN - Emergency Room
  • RN 13 Weeks Nights Estimated Total Pay $4,267.50 - $4,457.48/wk*
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*Includes estimated wage of $63.93 - $70.93/hr and non-taxable benefits if eligible

Host Healthcare has exclusive access to this job, so you get top priority when applying.
Bakersfield, CA
Bakersfield, CA
RN - OR-First Assist
  • RN 13 Weeks Days Estimated Total Pay $4,214.64 - $4,404.62/wk*
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*Includes estimated wage of $67.07 - $74.07/hr and non-taxable benefits if eligible

Local Travel nurse relaxing at home will on assignment

What is a Local Travel Nurse Contract?

Unlike traditional travel nursing contracts, local travel nurse contracts keep you within 50 miles of your permanent address. So, you can achieve a better work-life balance, competitive pay, and remain close to loved ones. It is the perfect solution to having the nursing career you deserve while staying within the comfort of your home.

More About Local Travel Contracts

Local Travel Nurse hugging his child while on a local travel contract.

What are the pros of Local Nursing Contracts?

  • Stay Close to Family and Friends
  • Familiarity in Local Area
  • Testing out Healthcare Facilities for your Permanent Facility
  • Float Job Opportunities in Hospitals
  • Competitive Pay Rates

If this sounds like the ideal job for you, get started and become a local travel nurse with Host Healthcare today!

Get Started


Local Travel Nursing Walking Around their home town.

Premium Benefits For Our Local Travel Nurses

A local travel nursing assignment is more than a career change, it’s a lifestyle change. We give you a built-in support system to make sure your needs are met from the moment you start. If you want to take some time between your local contracts, we’ve got your back!

Weekly Pay

With Host Healthcare, nurses can get paid weekly while on assignment. So when you travel with us, you can work on enjoying your local nursing contract rather than when you're going to get paid next.

Health Benefits from Day 1

Because we've got your back (and your teeth, and your eyes), your well-being is our top concern from the get-go, with full medical, dental and vision benefits from day one.

Health Coverage Between Jobs

Time off should be stress-free, right? Yep! That's why our policy allows you to keep your elected medical, dental, and vision benefits active between travel or local nursing contracts less than 30 days apart.

24/7 Support

From the moment you begin your local contract, we're here around the clock. Reach out anytime via call, text, live chat, or DM for assistance. We're always ready to help.


With Host Healthcare you can get reimbursements on certain licenses, certifications, and other essential items required for your local contract.

401k Matching

Our competitive 401K investment plan (complete with company matching!) is our way of saying, “We have your back, throughout your journey.”

Free Unlimited CEUs

Enjoy access to free RN CEUs to keep your nursing career on the right path.

Unlimited Referral Payout

Refer as many people as you want and earn $1,000 - $2,000 per referral.


As a local contract nurse you are not eligible for housing stipends, based on IRS stipend guidelines, due to being within 50 miles of your home address.

As a local contract nurse, you are not eligible for meal per diem, based on IRS per diem guidelines, due to being within 50 miles of your home address.

There is no max! You can continue with your local contract nursing journey at the same facility, as long as they have the need to continue to staff your position. You can also continue to take local contracts at the surrounding facilities in your area. This gives you the opportunity to try out each local facility for a short period of time before deciding if you want to take a travel nursing contract outside of your hometown or settle down at a permanent position in one of the hospitals you took a local contract.

You can search for jobs right here on Host Healthcare’s Job Page.

  1. Select your Discipline.
  2. Select your specialty. (If applicable)
  3. Type in your home city or a city near you in the “I want to go to” section.
  4. View all the jobs in your area and apply!

*Connect with your recruiter to discuss local contracts and pay.