Becoming a travel therapist is a great career path. A travel therapist has similar responsibilities as a traditional therapist. For example, a travel physical therapist does the same thing as a permanent therapist to improve movement or manage pain of people. A travel occupational therapist (OT) shares the same responsibilities as a permanent OT to help patients develop, recover, improve, and maintain the skills needed for daily living and working. However, there are plenty of differences and benefits for travel therapists. This article answers the question why become a travel therapist. A career as a travel therapist might not be for everyone, but this article can provide insight on the benefits should you pursue a career as a travel therapist.

Why Become A Travel Therapist – Make More Money

While the responsibilities are the same, you can make up to 20% – 30% more per year as a travel therapist compared to a permanent therapist. Think about it. You could work 9 months and make what a permanent therapist makes in 12 months. Many travel therapists with experience earn $100,000 per year when all benefits and allowances are included.

Why Become A Travel Therapist – Ability To Try Before You Buy

Many travel therapists love the ability to test out new things while being a travel therapist. Have you ever thought about living in a specific city or state? You can get an assignment in that location and see if it’s a place you want to settle down in. Not sure which setting you prefer? Become a travel therapist and work in many settings before finding your ideal setting. All of this being under the travel therapist umbrella so it doesn’t look like you are jumping around on your resume.

Why Become A Travel Therapist – Grow Your Career

Becoming a travel therapist is a wonderful way to grow your career. Frist off, you will meet so many new people; people with their own experience. Learning from them is a fantastic way to expand your knowledge. In addition to that, you will be able to work with all sorts of different people in perhaps different settings. That experience will set yourself apart from your peers who go take permanent jobs.

Why Become A Travel Therapist – Get License Reimbursement

You might be asking yourself “You mean I can get my license reimbursed and covered when I become a travel therapist?” Yes, you can. This provides you the ability to not worry about getting your license in several states you might work in.

Why Become A Travel Therapist – 3 Month Long Assignments

As a travel PTA you will typically work 13-week assignments. Some could be but that is the industry average. That means that every 3 months you could pick up and try something new. You are not forced to be locked into something for too long. If you unfortunately find yourself in an assignment that you don’t like, the good news is you are there for a finite amount of time. You are not stuck there like others might be.

Host Healthcare Travel Therapist

Hopefully this article gave you some good insight on why to become a travel therapist.

Host Healthcare offers an extensive list of travel therapy jobs. In addition, call specific recruiter directly or if you don’t have a recruiter, call (844) 812-8094 and one of our friendly recruiters will be happy to help. If you prefer, fill out the form below and someone will reach out.