Where do you want your career to be in 10 years? Even better, where do you want your personal life to be in the next 3 years? Everyone has difference answers to these questions. The important thing to know is how do YOU answer these questions? A career in travel nursing can help you both professional and personally achieve both your short and long-term goals. These 15 ways travel nursing can help achieve your nursing goals will help the new or seasoned nurse.

The fact is, it doesn’t matter where you are at in your personal or professional life. These 15 ways travel nursing can help achieve your nursing goals were carefully selected to fit your needs. No matter what they are.

Develop New Skills. The healthcare industry is always changing. Nurses are not immune to this change. Working as a travel nurse will allow you to develop new skills. You will be working in different settings with new people every 3 months. The skills you learn will allow you to stretch your knowledge. You might even learn a new skill that you didn’t even expect to know. This will allow you to be a more well-rounded nurse.

Learn New Techniques. You might be set in your career on your specialty. That’s great. However, being a travel nurse and the ability to work with others will allow you to improve your craft. Every travel assignment gives you the opportunity to work in a different environment and learn from new healthcare professionals. It’s during working in these different environments that will provide you the ability to learn new techniques to help you improve in your specialty.

Share Wisdom With Others. As a travel nurse, you will gain so much knowledge. It is important you pass down this wisdom. Be a mentor to another nurse. Share things you have learned and how they can develop a new skill or learn a new technique.

Provide More Career Opportunities. Working around the country will offer you more experience compared to permanent, non-travel nurses. Do you have a dream location? How about a specific setting? What about working in a magnet facility? As a travel nurse, the experiences you gain will provide you more career opportunities and allow you to get your foot in the door to your dream job.

Provide More Money. Do you dream of driving a fancy car? Want to live by the beach? Perhaps you want enough money to provide for your family. Whatever your reason, travel nursing can help achieve your goal of wealth. As a travel nurse, you can well over six figures per year when all benefits and allowances are included. Being a travel nurse offers a lot of benefits to support your nursing goals.

Offer More Freedom. Do you prefer having more flexibility over the ridged structure of a traditional job? Maybe you’d rather work hard and then play hard. As a travel nurse, you will work on average 13 weeks and then have time off to do whatever it is you want. If you envision your future having time to stop and smell the roses, consider become a travel nurse.

Allow You To See The Country. We all have a bucket list. What’s on yours? Have you always wanted to see the Grand Canyon? How about seeing Graceland? Whatever is on your bucket list, being a travel nurse will allow you to see so much of the country. You have the ability to work for 3 months in one location, see everything you want, and then pick up and move to a new location. What could be better?

Grow Your Network. The theme with this is being a travel nurse offers you more. One of those “more” is the opportunity to meet more people. When you become a travel nurse you will grow your personal and professional network. There is no telling what a new person you meet one day will evolve into years down the road. A future BFF? A spouse? A professional reference? You will substantially grow your network helping you achieve your goals when you become a travel nurse.

Life-Changing Experiences. The meaning of life is discovered in the experience. You will have so many opportunities to have life-changing experiences the moment you become a travel nurse. From the sites you see, to the people you meet, to the adventures you accomplish, there will be no shortage of memories you will create as a travel nurse.

Better Market Yourself. Demand for nurse has never been higher. However, it has also never been more competitor. Looking for a competitive edge over your peers? As a travel nurse, you will exponentially be able to distance yourself amongst other nurses. You will have worked in more settings, with several types of patients in a variety of locations. This shows that you can work with everyone.

Work At Top Hospitals. Travel nursing can help you work at some of the top hospitals in the country. As a travel nurse, you are valuable to provide much need support to top facilities. Whether it’s the holiday rush, or staffing a difficult need. In addition, many facilities work with travel nursing companies like Host Healthcare to fill their needs.

Save For Your Retirement. There are no shortage of benefits when you enter the career of travel nursing. Some companies offer even more benefits. At Host Healthcare, one unique benefit we offer is a matching 401k for our nurses. We want to do our part to help you retire comfortable.

Try A Different Specialty. Perhaps you selected a specialty during nursing school that you are not interested in anymore. If that sounds like you, travel nursing can give you an opportunity to try something new. If you want to try a new specialty, be sure you communicate that with your recruiter. Depending on your current specialty and what you are interested in changing to, you might have to do a few steps before being placed on a new assignment. But it’s possible.

Get Your Licensed Paid For. Do you live in Colorado but you want to live in California? Maybe you live in California but you have always wanted to live on the east coast. The point is, moving to a different state might require you to get a new license. As a travel nurse, you don’t have to worry about how you’re going to pay for this expense. Some travel nursing companies like Host Healthcare offer license reimbursements to their travel nurses. Now it’s not a matter of how you are going to get to your new state, but when.

Be Part Of National Organizations. If you’re goal is to join one of the several national nursing organizations available, having travel nursing experience will help you with these organizations. National organizations are great resources for your career and expand your knowledge. They can also help if you aspire to be in management.

Hopefully after reading this you see the ways travel nursing can help achieve your nursing goals.

Host Healthcare Travel Nurse

Host Healthcare offers an extensive list of travel nurse jobs. Call one of our friendly recruiters at (800) 585-1299. We are here to help you to get started.