Having strong communication skills is something most employees need. That need is amplified as a travel therapist. Not only are you responsible for the care and safety for your patients, but you need to develop strong communication skills quickly as you are only at an assignment for a certain number of weeks. To help you become or remain someone with strong communication skills we have put together this list. Here is our list of 7 communication tips that work for travel therapists.

7 Communication Tips That Work For Travel Therapists

  1. Speak clearly and slowly. As a travel therapist you are always on the go. Whether it’s getting to new assignments or hustling to patients, it’s certainly fast paced as a travel therapist. However, be sure when conversing with others, especially with patients, remember to speak clearly and speak slowly. It will avoid any confusion during work.
  2. Remember your audience. Patients require different form of communication compared to colleagues. In addition, the way you speak to types of patient can be different. Remember who you are speaking with and adjust accordingly.
  3. Pay attention to body language. Whether it’s patients or peers, be sure you read body language. It’s interesting to know that more than half of what you say isn’t vocalized. Some people won’t always say what is on their mind. Stay tuned on the body language of the person you are speaking with.
  4. Ask for understanding. If you notice someone’s body language is showing confusion, ask for understanding. When speaking with a patient, make sure they understand how and why they need to be doing any exercises at home. If you are requesting of something from a colleague, be sure they understand what you need.
  5. Listen. One of the biggest of the 7 communication tips that work for travel therapists is to not communicate at all. Listening is your opportunity to check for understanding. It’s also a way that can breed a dialogue and not just you speaking at someone.
  6. Use jargon appropriately. Every industry has their own words and phrases. While using jargon is certainly acceptable when speaking with colleagues, it can create confusion when using jargon towards a patient.
  7. Have a positive attitude. People like positive people. When you have a positive attitude, people are drawn to you. They open up; making it easier to communicate with them.

Hopefully you enjoyed these 7 communication tips that work for travel therapists.

Host Healthcare Travel Therapist

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